Hot Flights Table
Every day we monitor approximately 1400 flights criss-crossing the 10 busiest routes in the continental USA. Typically, this includes more than 80,000 passengers per day. Using E-RAD, we calculate the radiation exposure coming from cosmic rays for every single flight. The Hot Flights Table is a daily summary of the results.
Our Hot Flights Table shows:
the 5 charter flights with the highest dose rates
the 5 commercial flights with the highest dose rates
the 5 commercial flights with near-average dose rates
the 5 commercial flights with the lowest dose rates.
Passengers typically experience dose rates that are 20 to 70 times higher than natural radiation at sea level.
*Note: Table displays best on computer screens.
FLIGHT: Airline and flight number
DOSE RATE: The maximum dose rate during the flight, expressed in units of natural radiation at sea level
TOTAL DOSE: As expressed in dental X-rays. This is for a typical panoramic dental x-ray as indicated by the American Dental Association
ALTITUDE: The maximum altitude of the plane in feet above sea level
ORIGIN: Departure city
DESTINATION: Arrival city
DURATION: Duration of the flight.

Our research is 100% crowdfunded through fundraising for our spaceweather ballooning program, Earth to Sky Calculus.
Support Rads on a Plane by sponsoring a flight, sending up your own experiment, or buying a one-of-a-kind gift flown to the stratosphere.